Rooms and Bookings Update
Bookings have been coming in at a rapid rate since we opened up for business this year. We're already threatening the 100 rooms mark, with a number of additional folks booked in for ManorCon itself. This is the largest number of bookings taken this far ahead of the Convention in the past 10 years.
There have been a lot of questions about offering rooms with double occupancy at Manorcon now that we are at a new location. The accommodation on the Freemen's Common campus consists of rooms designated for single occupancy, although the beds are 4 feet wide (a 'small double' or 'queen' size). Unfortunately, we don't have an option for double-occupancy bookings for them this year. Since there is clearly demand, and the beds are large enough that double-occupancy is not infeasible, we intend to look into whether such an option can be provided for next year.
If you're thinking of coming, book now to avoid disappointment!