What is ManorCon?

ManorCon is a board games convention that has been running since 1983. It is held at the University of Northampton and starts on the third Friday in July. The convention opens at 2PM on the Friday and closes at 2PM the following Monday. Most of the 200-250 attendees each year stay on site in a modern University Hall of Residence, which affords the best option to fit in as much gaming as is physically possible. The convention offers a bar and canteen facilities and ample room for gaming. There is car parking available and the site is also within easy reach of public transport and the City Centre of Northampton.

This year seems us move to the Waterside Campus which is just south of Northampton City Centre, within a mile of the railway station, the bus station and the town centre itself.

ManorCon features a large array of different games and the occasional tournament, from the old favourites such as 18xx, Power Grid and Imperial, to more recent games like Terraforming Mars, Terra Mystica, Great Western Trail through to the latest releases from Essen. Game styles range from the heavy right through to the less serious end of the spectrum, such as Deep Sea Adventure and Perudo (always more fun after a couple of beers). There is often a game of two of Blood on the Clocktower and other ManorCon staples include the Treasure Hunt and the Music Quiz (Saturday night in the bar). There's also a games store on site, in case you didn't bring enough games with you or you play something that you just have to own immediately.

Most games are played on an Ad-hoc basis - just find a group of players to play, or ask to join in with a game that's being set up. People have been known to get organised and put up a players wanted sign, use a sign up sheet or arrange something on social media, so there's no shortage of ways to get into a game that looks interesting.

You can download the 2024 Programme Booklet here, which contains a lot of information relevant to the ManorCon weekend.

If this is all new to you, but looks like a whole lot of fun (it is!) then why not come along and give it a go? There's the option to come just for the day to start with, or jump in the deep end and go for the whole weekend. If you don't recognise any of the games mentioned here, then don't worry, people are always prepared to teach new players and nowadays, there's so many new games released each year, that even an old hand will generally learn a new game or two at ManorCon.

If you want to know more, then consider joining the Facebook Group or drop us an Email.